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Always remember:

BE Kind, BE Fair, BE Honest, BE True

and all these things will come back to you



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Our regular features will shortly be appearing within these pages and they will come from another eclectic mix of regular CONNECT contributors.   

The subjects covered will be broard in range but, at the same time, relevant to our lives in different ways.  They will cover topics such as health and finances, foods and legal issues.


Look out for these features appearing on CONNECT.


A World of Sex - In School

Five parents recently lost their attempt to have the way schoolchildren in Wales are taught about sex and gender identity subjected to legal scrutiny. They were also hit with a £50k legal costs order – double the usual cost.

The unsuccessful attempt by Public Child Protection Wales to enable a Judicial Review into sex education in schools is merely one of many such cases. Parents and other campaigners across the world are fighting sex education in schools - but why? Sex education used to be OK, albeit in a useless and embarrassing way – so what’s changed? A lot, it appears.


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BBC Cancels Its Best TV Show

The BBC’s decision to cancel their “Autumnwatch” TV series has been met with outrage by many viewers and licence payers. The BBC has said that it was a difficult decision but one that was made on cost-cutting grounds.

Many fans of Autumnwatch say that – along with Springwatch and Winterwatch – it’s the best programme on BBC, making comments such as “One of the best examples of public service broadcasting” and “Are we to be reduced to a nation of watching utter bilge at a high cost - preventing people from learning about nature? The BBC is losing more than it knows.”


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Blood-Letting – The Benefits?

The very term can send uncomfortable shivers down the spine, with mental images of leeches crawling all over one’s skin - filling their boots until, having sucked enough blood from their host, they simply fall off – as if drunk.

Leeches come to most people’s minds when thinking of blood-letting because it was a popular medical practice to use them for literally thousands of years. The practice has fallen out of fashion now due to new thinking - replacing the thing which seems archaic and non-scientific. Today, it’s labelled pseudoscience by those who tell us they know better.


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