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Please read the documents linked to via the above icons and download those which most interest you.  We would suggest that you bring with you to the next meeting - this Sunday 23Jan22 - a hard copy for your own reference in our ongoing and developing discussions.


Below are links to five documents - each one relative to the five subjects considered at the first meeting of councillors in December 2021.
The documents summarise the combined initial thoughts of those councillors attending - serving as an early foundation for the ongoing and detailed development of a vision for each of the subjects considered.

That vision - for the five subjects and others to be added - will emanate from the shared contribution of all who participate in the process of defining a Word Picture - a Word Picture to describe a N
ew Society.

The time is ripe now - possibly more ripe than at any time in human history - for a monumental change in how society on Earth is structured, organised and lived.  History over the last two hundred years at least - and certainly over the very last two years - has placed a spotlight on all the things which are wrong or inadequate in what should be for everyone - by now - a Grown-Up Intelligent Society. 

For that New Society to come into being - a New Society based upon the most precious of human values which every man, woman and child would readily recognise and align with - it first has to be envisaged.  Unless people can see that New Society in their mind's eye, they can't choose it.
The Fifth Council exists - in part - to commence this most exciting of tasks, to create a Word Picture of what that New Society will look like.
And when we can all see it - we can then all choose it.

If people can't see that New Society as a different option to the one we have lived with to date - a society being heavily dictated by governments and others and having every potential to turn into something inhuman - then people will reluctantly accept, by default, the default setting. 

That default setting is - accepting someone else's vision for our future.   
It is our society and we have the power - and we believe the will - to define it now - for ourselves.  And we mean now!

Welcome all councillors.
You are here for good reason.
We are all here to play our part - however big - however small... make positive change in our world.

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