We collect news and views from local people and mix them with news and views - plus added features - from around the whole world.
CONNECT seeks to bring you a most eclectic collection of windows into topics which are:
local, regional and international
Interesting, important or educational - and
in a form which is new to the world of media.
We hope you enjoy discovering and learning about all kinds of things in Your Magazine.
News from Over the Fence
That is from within your local town
News from Over the Valley
from our neighbouring locations
News from Over the Border
from other counties near and far
News from Over the Water
from communities overseas
News from those Over the Moon
which is not what you may think!
And then there is...
News of National interest
News of International interest
Here we include writings on topics of recurring and popular interest
These include a mixed bag of things which have been selected specifically to share with you - due to their importance, fascination or special universal interest
This is where we place a spotlight on a business - introducing that business, what it provides for our community and - importantly - the people behind that business - being the local manager or the owner
This section of CONNECT is almost the most important of all.
CONNECT is like a living body – comprising two important key elements.
First, there is the skeleton, the framework, and it describes what our community is all about. It details what we have and what we do. That is, what we have in the way of resources, facilities and services. It also details what we do, by the activities we enjoy within the myriad of different interest groups and pursuits.
The other sections of CONNECT detail these things.
The second key element of CONNECT is likened to the life blood of a living body, or a thriving community. Here we tell each other what we have done AND what others outside our community have been doing. Our Magazine section is that part of CONNECT for sharing between communities our News and Views.