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and all these things will come back to you




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Articles on this FRONT page present a positive slant on where people can now steer society. 

Many believe we've arrived at a fawke in the road and now have the opportunity to make choices that build towards a fair, just and peaceful society in which we can all thrive.  It begins with setting down a vision for our tomorrow - a tomorrow in which we all benefit.

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What If We Owned It All

Just a short while ago, the world went through utter trauma of being locked down – on orders of gov't – barring people from going about their lives, resulting in untold suffering to people’s health and the economy.

Leaving aside the related health issues, hard working people lost their jobs or their businesses – all due to gov't directives. The corner shops lost out to big supermarkets and large stores - and so many other small traders lost out to the giant online retailers – all too familiar to us! As a result, a crazy shift of wealth took place – upward - to the richest 1% in the world.

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The 360 Degree Paradigm

One single problem type in the world today, relates to the sharing of knowledge and the learning from people’s different experiences. Media has gone some way to help – but there is something fundamental missing.

That missing thing – which at one point in our history was the only thing we had – is a thing we need to examine afresh and begin to use in our daily lives. That thing is debate. Debate is the peaceful coming together to share knowledge, experiences, thoughts and even wild imaginings. It is through debate we gain a fully rounded picture and understanding of our world.

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Our Obedient Servants?

It can be infuriating to have to deal with government departments. Many of us know all too well the time and effort that has to be put before those departments do what we need them to do – and what they’re there to do!

The same is true of corporate entities – such as banks. Who hasn’t dangled on the end of the phone, often with no idea whether they’ll have to wait for 2 minutes or 20? Only, in some cases, to be booted abruptly off the call!

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People Own Their Health!

St Ives is one of the most-photographed and oft-visited Cornish harbour towns. Its popularity was a problem however when the NHS closed the community hospital – because it could have become holiday apartments.

The residents decided that they weren’t having it! Together, they raised a million pounds and bought the hospital themselves. The former Edward Hain Memorial Hospital, founded more than a century ago by a local shipping family, is now going to be a new health and wellness hub offering healthcare –free wherever possible – to the people of St Ives and west Cornwall.

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50 Shades Of Grey

For many observers of cultural drifts, they’ve been noticing some very uncomfortable changes in society. Those changes have come from almost nothing – but the effects are profound and deeply concerning.

It’s difficult not to notice in the media pages of any news channel – that is, MSM news or, the more questioning in nature, People’s Media – the press to divide people. It almost seems there’s an agenda to divide us all – whether it be rooted in politics, religion, race, colour, sexuality, or some other ideology. One clear demonstration of this happening is in the labelling of people.

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Is The Corporate Culture Over?

The founder of the WEF – World Economic Forum – tells us we are entering a new age, writing an enlightening book about it, such that more people can understand his thinking – and perhaps his warning – if you see it that way.

That new age – that so many of us now are getting a glimpse of, due to what governments and others are saying – is the Fourth Industrial Revolution. You will know we’ve had one already, thanks to the history segment at school. But you may be wondering about the others - so, to remind us all and recap, what follows is a brief description of the missing numbers two and three.

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Let's Have A Positive Spin On It

For any of us looking for a fix of Doom n Gloom – all we have to do is reach for the daily newspapers or any of the internet news platforms – be they Mainstream Media – or People’s Media.

The pages are full of horror and pessimism and the majority of readers are not only – almost helplessly - drawn to these pages, but are transfixed by their content. The counter – and very valid – argument, is that people need to have a view on what – supposedly – is going on in our world. That is, what we are being told is going on in our world - which explains my reading of them.

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Join The Truth Debate

Debate is one of the most important tools of humankind since humans began to express themselves with language. It is fundamental to our very existence and yet – more than oddly – it’s a skill and a process which is overlooked.

And it’s overlooked by so many of us. It is overlooked by schools and it is overlooked in what counts for government. The fundamental nature of debate is not taught or exercised in schools and our politicians clearly have no handle on what debate truly means. That being so, we cannot expect them to exercise this debate tool, or the skills needed to use it – can we?

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Do We Need Personal Charters?

Maybe you haven’t heard of such things – as I don’t think I had until the term sprung to mind. I mean, we’ve heard the term ‘Charter’ used in different situations to describe the way things will be – as in the Magna Carta.

But the term ‘Personal Charter’ literally spoke to me when I was posed a question of myself, being a question which I felt compelled to answer given the importance I placed upon it. It related to a mistake I could easily have made had a certain problem not emerged which caused me to rethink. That problem related to a person I may later have had very close dealings with.

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We Can Imagine Our Future

There is so much not right with our world today and I’d go so far as to say there is more wrong with it now - at this very point in time - than there’s ever been before. And that would be saying something – wouldn’t it?

A meme on social media today suggested that people don’t suffer with depression – as doctors and Big Pharma would have us believe. Instead, a lot of us are suffering with the state of the world. Well, there’s some truth in that. It’s countered by the zen principle that we need to carry our sunshine on the inside. And it’s there, where we have our greatest asset – and our solution!

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A Strong Constitution?

With the Coronation fast approaching, now is a good time for the people of Britain to understand something important. It’s this - the people of Britain hold the power. Not the government, parliament or King Charles III. We do.

Is this a case of “everything you’ve ever been told about the role of government is a lie?” Well, yes. Knowledge about the true British constitution is held by a vanishingly small number of people - and when they die, that knowledge will die with them. We need to understand our real constitution quickly and share that knowledge. The good news is – it’s not complicated!

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Make That Change!

We have all known since we were kids that the news media exists to depress us. Well, it does, doesn’t it! There’s rarely anything that is presented to cheer our rotten selves up. It’s all 95% doom and gloom to be brutally honest.

Couple that basic principle - about news - with what the world’s been living with these last 3yrs and the feeling of depression is magnified in all of us. And the odd thing is, we’re all drawn to it like moths to the light. Do you remember that line in the film, ‘A Bugs Life’ – “Don’t look at the light!” If only we could all stop doing that – we’d all feel better. We could be bouncing!

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The People's Court

This week the people of Iraq could be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the end of conflict and oppression in their country. But as one journalist puts it – how can you celebrate something which is not over?

On 20mar2003, American forces invaded Iraq – a country governed by an oppressive and tyrannical leader – a country which was however no threat to its neighbours or the world generally – but a country with major oil reserves. There was no justification in law for the invasion, but political powers combined to make it look as if there was. It was a crime against humanity.

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A New/Old Way To Live: Part 1

Imagine knowing your neighbours. I know. But hear me out – imagine WANTING to! Imagine, as well, having total privacy but only having to step outside your home if you need some help – or just feel like a chat.

Cohousing means living in a community. Not a commune - every household has its own home. People share spaces, resources and responsibilities. Eating together is a big part of living in a cohousing community – but not every night! It’s one way to be part of a vibrant, more balanced community, reduce your living costs, consume less and tread more lightly on the earth.

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Do Leaders Lead - Or Serve?

Imagine if, instead of people serving leaders, leaders served their people. And then also imagine that leaders understood, that a leader is someone who finds out where people want to go and helps them to get there.

I’m reliably informed that, in the 1950s and 60s, letters sent from the UK government to members of the public ended with "your obedient servant." Well, I’ve just received a letter from the government – and it won’t come as a surprise to most readers to find out that my letter was NOT signed off like that. Is it time to ask – when it comes to leaders - who’s serving who?

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New Type of Public Ownership

I remember the days when I was a Young Conservative - despite not being in the least political - as it was just about fun - and then later in the corporate world, being passionate about capitalism. How things can change!

I recall filling in the application forms and enclosing a cheque – remember those things – eager to buy into the public sale of our very infrastructure – BT, British Gas and whatever else was being sold off to the public then.  In the late 80s I had become a shareholder in what were public assets and felt a tad proud but, in truth, eager to trade shares in the market and try my luck.

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A Great New World

I have to ask – have you ever bought an item of clothes without first seeing them? Have you ever bought a car without seeing it first? I guess not – which is the point of today’s look at our world - and future. We only buy once seen.

We have all bought many things online - over the internet – without actually touching the thing we are parting with our cash for.  We see the pictures and read the description on platforms like Amazon - and a million others just like it. We've also bought intangibles – like motor insurance and breakdown cover – but even then, we have a mental picture of what we are buying. 

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Effectively - We Are To Blame!

Standing back to look at things afresh is always a good idea – particularly at this mess we have all allowed to be created. It is the perfect way to start the process of making things right again – not that they’ve ever been right!

The first challenge to face in this process is deciding what on earth do we look at first?  The mess which I am referring to here, by the way, is the way – we the People – have allowed the administration of this country to unfold.  I cannot say develop – since that very word suggests a form of positive progression – which we certainly have not had and won’t get on this path.

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A Community Sharing World

The automatic consequence of people sharing is the coming together of people. Where there is a need to share or a desire to share – whatever it is - people automatically connect with each other to make sharing happen

Take for example this story from Australia. It’s about people sharing cars. Now we’re all familiar with the idea of sharing lifts to work – but that is NOT this. Here, the sharing of cars means sharing time-usage of those cars rather than sharing lifts. This version of Car Share is a bit like holiday-home time-share, but without the fixed time slots.

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New World Thinking - TFC2

The last 2yrs and more have brought into sharp focus all the many things which are wrong or just inadequate in our world. We have been shown the fragility of our systems and the shortcomings of our leaders – the leaders charged with the task to care for and protect the people.

Whilst some leaders may well have crimes to answer for in the near future, what the situation has made plain to us all now is that a different way of thinking is required. A different way of thinking for a different kind of world.

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